The importance of youth Entrepreneurship

Technologically Zealous Family
2 min readApr 21, 2021

Youth Entrepreneurship is filled with young, vibrant minds jumping into the world of money and business to change and influence our society from the goods and services they produce or do they?

We have seen a trend go on in the oversaturated design field as everyone attempts to do the same things (Nevermind noncreative fields as I see young people doing the same thing then it doesn’t work out because, well they are doing the same thing everyone else is doing and that raises the question, what is so important about Youth Entrepreneurship anyway, well that is what we at TZF will attempt to talk about

In this week’s post, we will discuss what entrepreneurship offers to the entrepreneurs themselves. Then next week we will talk about how young entrepreneurs help the people around them then finally we will talk about how young entrepreneurs help fellow businesses, so let us get started with:

  1. They want to do what they are passionate about the fact is a large majority of people don’t like the idea of working for other people, they may have a world-changing idea or they hope to be the next steve jobs or bill gates but they can’t get that type of fulfillment in a 9–5 job so they go off on there own, whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is up to you to decide but I envy that attitude (that’s how TZF started after all)
  2. they want to be the manager of their destiny, freelancers are a perfect example of this as they love the idea of freedom and working when they require as such they can have proper independence and flexibility over their job and work
  3. they want to help other people, I like to think entrepreneurs enjoy the idea of helping other people more than making money (Now I know this isn’t true for all entrepreneurs, far from it, then again even people who only get into the business through money have to provide value to others, simply because there are little people who would spend money on things they don’t value right?

That’s all for this week, be here next week for the next one on this topic, and stay tuned!



Technologically Zealous Family

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